A Mixed-Reality Interaction Analysis Toolkit

MIRIA, short for Mixed Reality Interaction Analysis Toolkit, is a system for the analysis of spatial interaction data in mixed reality. MIRIA specifically supports in-situ data analysis by using situated, immersive visualizations. I wrote MIRIA in C# for the Unity engine, targeting Microsoft’s HoloLens series of AR headsets.

MIRIA can import data, such as motion tracking data, from CSV files and visualize it in several different 2D and 3D visualizations, most importantly as 3D trajectories in space. MIRIA supports multiple co-located users and doesn’t need an additional server or tracking system, making it useful for usage in a wide range of environments.

The official video gives a short overview of the project.
The trajectory visualizations in MIRIA are supported by additional 2D views, 3D models, and even image or video data.
This is a typical MIRIA setup, showing most of its features: spatio-temporal interaction data is visualized as 3D trajectories, with accompanying 2D views.

For more details about MIRIA, please take a look at the main project website or check out the git repository! Additionally, if you would like to cite MIRIA in your research, please cite our CHI ‘21 paper.



  1. MIRIA2021.jpg
    Wolfgang Büschel, Anke Lehmann, and Raimund Dachselt
    In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 2021